Field rejuvenation of the face occupies leading positions among the procedures of aesthetic medicine, offering an effective and relatively safe solution to restore youth and health of the skin.
What is fractional rejuvenation
Field laser rejuvenation is an advanced cosmetological procedure aimed at improving the condition of the skin and eliminating signs of aging. The essence of the method is the use of laser radiation, which affects the skin, creating microscopic damage areas. These zones, called microthermal, stimulate the processes of natural regeneration and the active production of collagen and elastin.
The procedure is carried out using special laser devices, which provide accurate and controlled effects on the skin. The laser beam is divided into many microfs, which penetrate the skin to different depths, without damaging the surrounding tissues. This allows you to achieve significant results with minimal side effects and a short recovery period.
Types of fractional rejuvenation
The fractional rejuvenation of the skin can be divided into two main types: ablap and non -abroad.
- The ablation fractional rejuvenation involves the impact on the upper layers of the skin, partially evaporating them. The laser creates microscopic zones of damage on the surface of the skin, which causes an active renewal and restructuring of tissues. The main advantages of this method are a significant improvement in the texture and tone of the skin, the elimination of small and deep wrinkles, as well as the correction of pronounced defects, such as scars and pigment spots. However, abolition rejuvenation requires a longer recovery period, which can be from several days to several weeks. During this period, the skin needs special care and protection against sunlight.
- Non -resigned fractional laser rejuvenation of the face acts on the deep layers of the skin without damaging its surface. Laser radiation penetrates the dermis, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin without significant damage to the epidermis. The main advantages of this method are the minimum recovery period, the possibility of regular procedures for the prevention of aging, as well as a soft and gentle effect on the skin. Non -austful rejuvenation effectively eliminates small wrinkles, increases the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, aligns its tone and texture.
The choice between ably and non -reservoir rejuvenation by a fractional laser depends on the individual needs of the patient, the condition of the skin and the desired results.
Apparatus for fractional rejuvenation
To carry out the procedure of fractional rejuvenation, various devices are used, which differ in the type of laser and the features of the effect on the skin. The most popular among them include CO2-lasers, erbium lasers and microelers.
CO2 lasers are considered one of the most effective for deep skin rejuvenation. They create microthermal areas of damage, penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis. This allows you to significantly improve the texture of the skin, eliminate deep wrinkles and noticeable scars. However, this method requires a longer recovery period, since it affects the upper layers of the skin, partially evaporating them.
Erbiye lasers are a more gentle option and are suitable for working with thin and sensitive skin. They affect the surface layers of the skin, which provides a quick effect with a minimum recovery period. Erbium lasers effectively eliminate small wrinkles, level the skin tone and improve its texture, without causing significant damage to the epidermis.
Devices with microeles combine laser exposure and micro -proocols. This method allows you to enhance the regeneration of the skin due to deeper penetration of laser radiation and mechanical stimulation. Microfs create additional micro -transformations that stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. This approach provides more pronounced results with minimal discomfort and short recovery period.
The choice of apparatus for rejuvenation depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin and specific tasks that need to be solved.
When is a fractional rejuvenation
Field rejuvenation is recommended in cases where the skin begins to show signs of aging and it is required to improve its appearance and structure. The main indications for fractional rejuvenation include:
- Wrinkles and folds. The procedure helps to reduce both small and deep wrinkles, making the skin more smooth and young.
- Pigment spots. Field rejuvenation helps to clarify and level the skin tone, eliminating hyperpigmentation and age spots.
- Loss of elasticity and elasticity of the skin. With age, the skin loses its density and becomes less elastic. Laser exposure stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which returns the skin tone and elasticity.
- Extended pores. Laser rejuvenation helps to narrow the pores, making the skin more even and smooth.
- Scars and post -acne. The procedure effectively reduces the visibility of scars, including those that remained after acne, improving the skin texture.
Field rejuvenation can be recommended in other cases, such as stretch marks, skin bumps, as well as for the general prevention of aging. It is important to note that the procedure is suitable for both young people seeking to prevent early signs of aging, and for mature patients who want to return their skin to youth and freshness.
Contraindications to the procedure
The main contraindications for facial rejuvenation include:
- Acute inflammatory processes on the skin. The presence of active infections, such as herpes or acne in an exacerbation stage, can aggravate the condition of the skin and cause complications.
- Oncological diseases. Any form of cancer, especially skin, is a strict contraindication for laser procedures.
- Pregnancy and lactation. Hormonal changes in the body can affect the results of the procedure and increase the risk of complications.
- Diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation. In people with uncontrolled diabetes, wound healing can undergo slower, which increases the risk of infections and other complications.
- Epilepsy. Laser flashes can provoke attacks in people suffering from this disease.
- The tendency to the formation of keloid scars. If you have a history of the formation of keloids, laser fractional rejuvenation of the skin can cause a similar reaction.
- Recent peeling or dermabrasion procedures. The skin after such procedures has not yet been restored and can be too sensitive to laser exposure.
- Taking some medicines. Preparations that increase the sensitivity of the skin to the light (photosensitizers) can cause severe irritation and burns.
- Autoimmune diseases. States such as systemic lupus erythematosus or psoriasis can worsen under the influence of a laser.
How the procedure goes
The procedure for fractional rejuvenation begins with consultation and diagnostics. The specialist of our clinic examines your skin, evaluates its condition and identifies problem areas. He discusses the expected results with you and checks the presence of contraindications. At this stage, a suitable type of laser and exposure parameters is also selected.
Before the procedure, the skin is thoroughly cleaned of makeup, pollution and sebum. This is necessary to ensure uniform and effective laser. An antiseptic solution is applied to the skin to reduce the risk of infections. To minimize discomfort, an anesthetic cream is applied to the processed zone, which begins to act after 20-30 minutes. In some cases, injection anesthesia can be used.
When the anesthesia acts, the specialist begins to process the skin using a fractional laser. The laser device directs micluchs to the skin, creating microscopic damage areas, which stimulates the regeneration processes and collagen production. The procedure time depends on the area of the processed area and can be from 20 to 60 minutes.
After the laser effect on the skin, a soothing and moisturizer is applied to the skin, which helps reduce redness and accelerate the healing process. A specialist can also recommend home care products that must be used during the recovery period.
The rehabilitation period after fractional rejuvenation takes from several days to two weeks, depending on the depth and intensity of exposure. At this time, it is important to avoid sunlight, use sunscreen with a high protection factor, refrain from using decorative cosmetics and comply with skin care recommendations. In the first days after the procedure, redness, edema and peeling of the skin, which gradually pass, may be observed.
At what age can fraction rejuvenation be done
The fractional rejuvenation of the skin is recommended in a wide age range, starting from 25-30 years and further, depending on the condition of the skin and the presence of indications. The basic principle is that the procedure is aimed at combating the signs of aging and improving the skin texture, therefore, age -related restrictions are more associated with the individual characteristics and needs of the skin, and not with a specific number of years.
At the age of 25-30 years, many people begin to notice the first signs of aging, such as small wrinkles, the loss of elasticity and elasticity of the skin. Field rejuvenation at this age can serve not only for the correction of these changes, but also for prevention, supporting the skin in good condition and preventing more serious age -related changes in the future.
For older people, starting from 40 years old and further, fractional rejuvenation becomes more relevant, since the skin begins to show more pronounced signs of aging: deep wrinkles, pigment spots, loss of tone and elasticity. At this age, the procedure helps to significantly improve the appearance of the skin, reduce the severity of wrinkles and tighten the skin, returning it a young and fresh look.
However, it is important to consider that the procedure of fractional rejuvenation can be adapted to individual needs and skin condition at any age.
The results of fractional rejuvenation

Field rejuvenation of the skin gives noticeable and multifaceted results, significantly improving its appearance and structure. The main effects of the procedure include:
- Reducing wrinkles and folds. The procedure helps to smooth out both small and deep wrinkles, which makes the skin more smooth and young. After the first procedure, you can notice a decrease in small wrinkles, and over time and course of procedures, deep wrinkles become less pronounced.
- Leveling skin tone. Laser exposure helps to clarify age spots and eliminate the irregularities of the skin tone. This helps to cope with the problems of hyperpigmentation, age spots and consequences of photo starting.
- Increasing elasticity and elasticity. Field rejuvenation stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which makes the skin more elastic and elastic. The skin becomes more dense, its structure and tone improves.
- Reduction of pores. Laser exposure helps to narrow expanded pores, which makes the skin more even and smooth. Power narrowing helps to improve the texture of the skin and its general condition.
- Correction of scars and post -acne. The procedure is effective for reducing the visibility of scars and traces of the post -acne. Laser micro -regulations contribute to the regeneration of the skin and leveling its surface.
- General anti -aging effect. The skin becomes more fresh, radiant and young. Field rejuvenation improves the general condition of the skin, returning it to a healthy and well -groomed look.
The results of fractional rejuvenation are visible after the first procedure, but to achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended to take a course of several sessions. The number of necessary procedures depends on the initial condition of the skin and the desired results.
Rehabilitation period
The rehabilitation period after the fractional rejuvenation procedure is an important part of the skin restoration process and achieve the best results. On average, recovery takes from several days to two weeks, depending on the type of laser, depth and intensity of exposure, as well as individual skin characteristics.
The first days after the procedure are usually accompanied by redness and edema of the skin, which is a normal reaction to laser exposure. At this time, the skin can feel a little irritated and dry. To minimize discomfort and acceleration of healing, it is important to follow the recommendations of a specialist.
During the first 24-48 hours, the use of decorative cosmetics and aggressive care products should be avoided. It is recommended to use soothing and moisturizers that will help reduce irritation and support the process of skin regeneration.
During the first few days, direct sunlight and use sunscreen with a high protection factor (SPF 30 or higher), even if you are indoors, should also be avoided. This will help prevent pigmentation and other complications.
Peeling of the skin can begin a few days after the procedure, which indicates the process of updating the epidermis. It is important not to exfoliate the skin on your own so as not to damage new layers of the skin.
During rehabilitation after laser rejuvenation, intensive physical exertion, visiting saunas, baths and pools should be avoided. High temperatures and humidity can slow down the healing process and increase the risk of complications.
Advantages of the clinic
One of the key advantages of our clinic is the use of modern equipment that provides high efficiency and safety of procedures. The latest laser devices for fractional rejuvenation allow you to achieve impressive results with minimal risks and discomfort.
The clinic has highly qualified specialists who constantly improve their skills and knowledge. Experienced cosmetologists provide an individual approach to each patient, developing personalized treatment plans based on the needs and characteristics of the skin.
The cozy and relaxing atmosphere of the clinic creates comfortable conditions for all procedures. The staff is always attentive to the needs and wishes of patients, which makes the visit pleasant and calm. Miss Magnet offers a wide range of services aimed at maintaining health and beauty, including care procedures, massages and consultations on proper skin care.
Competitive prices and regular promotions make high -quality cosmetological services affordable for a wide range of customers. The clinic strictly complies with all sanitary norms and rules, which ensures a high degree of safety. All tools and equipment undergo thorough disinfection, and specialists work in sterile conditions.
Transparency and honesty are important principles of the clinic. Patients always receive complete information about the procedures, their cost and possible results.